Difference Between Autotropic and Heterotrophic Nutrition Class 10

In this article, we cover the Difference Between Autotropic and Heterotrophic Nutrition Class 10 With a Full Detailed Explanation.

Difference Between Autotropic and Heterotrophic Nutrition Class 10

Autotrophic Nutrition: It is a mode of nutrition in which organisms are able to build up their owns organic food from inorganic raw materials with the help of energy. The organisms performing autotrophic nutrition are called autotrophs.

Heterotrophic Nutrition: It is a mode of nutrition in which the organisms obtain ready-made organic food from outside sources. The organisms that depend upon outside sources for obtaining nutrients are called heterotrophs

Difference Between Autotropic and Heterotrophic Nutrition Class 10

Autotrophic Nutrition Heterotrophic Nutrition
1 Food: It is self-manufacturedFood is Obtained ready-made from outside
2 External Energy: An external source of energy is required for the synthesis of foodAn external source of energy is not required. The required energy is present in the food obtained from outside
3 Inorganic Substances: They constitute the raw materials for manufacturing foodInorganic substances are not much required
4 Digestion: It is absentExternal or internal digestion is required for the conversion of complex organic materials into simpler and soluble ones
5 Chlorophyll: It is present for trapping light energyChlorophyll is absent
6 Status: Organisms performing autotrophic nutrition function as producersOrganisms performing heterotrophic nutrition function as consumers
7 Examples: Green Plants, Some bacteria, some protistsExamples: Animals, Many Protists and Monerans
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