Difference Between Inhalation and Exhalation Class 10 Science

In this article, we can Differentiate between inhalation and exhalation of Class 10 Science Chapter Life Processes with a full detailed explanation

Difference Between Inhalation and Exhalation Class 10 Science

Inspiration or Inhalation: It is bringing of fresh air into lungs for exchange of gases. During inhalation. thoracic cavity enlarges due to two types of inspiratory muscles, phrenic and external intercostals, Phrenic muscles straighten the diaphragm by moving its curved part downwards. It increases the length of thorax.

Expiration or Exhalation: It is throwing out or expulsion of foul air from the lungs after an exchange of gases. Expiration or exhalation is a passive is a passive process caused by relaxation of inspiratory muscles. Relaxation of phrenic muscles causes the diaphragm to become dome-shaped and bulge into the thorax. It results in shortening of thoracic cavity. Relaxation of external intercostal muscles pulls the rib cage inwardly and downwardly. It results the girth of thorax.

Difference Between Inhalation and Exhalation

Inhalation/Inspiration Exhalation/Expiration
1Action: Inhalation is bringing in of fresh air from outsideIt is passing out of foul air to the outside
2Rib Cage: It is pushed outwardly and upwardly It is pulled inwardly and downwardly
3Diaphragm: It contracts and become nearly flat It relaxes and becomes dome-shaped
4Thoracic Cavity: It increases in size It decreases in size
5Air Pressure: Air Pressure decreases in lungs There is increase in air pressure in the lungs
7Types of Process: Inhalation is an active process Exhalation is a passive process
4Result: Air Rushes from outside and causes inflation of lungs Air is expelled from lungs causing their deflation
5Oxygen: Inhaled air has an oxygen concentration of 20.84%Exhaled air has an oxygen concentration of 15.7%
7Carbon Dioxide: Its concentration in inhaled air is 0.04% Its concentration in exhaled air is 4.0%
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