Metals and Non-Metals Revision Notes Class 10 (Point Wise)

In this article revise our class 10 Chapter Metals and Non-metals pointwise and cover all the important topics, Metals and Non-metals Full Revision notes.

Metals and Non-Metals Revision Notes Class 10 (Point Wise)

Metals and Non-Metals Revision Notes Class 10

1. About 22 Elements are known as non-metals while the rest are mostly metals.

2. Elements with the characteristics of both metals and non-metals are called metalloids or semi-metals.

3. Titanium, chromium and manganese are strategic metals. These are used in defence equipment.

4.  The reactivity of metals is linked with their relative positions in the activity series.

5. In the formation of metals oxides, metal undergoes oxidation while oxygen undergoes reduction.

6. Metals and Non-metal oxides dissolve in water to form basic solutions.

7. In displacements reactions, a metal occupying a higher position in the activity series can displace a metal present lower in series from its soluble solution.

8. Aluminium is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust (8.3%).

9. Combined states of the metals are called minerals while the free states are known as native states.

10. Ore represents the mineral from which metal can be conveniently and profitably extracted.

11. All ores are minerals whereas all minerals are not ores.

12. The rocky or earthy impurities that are associated with ore are called gangue.

13. The process of extraction of a particular metal from its ore is called Metallurgy.

14. Froth floatation process is used for the concentration of sulphide ores.

15. Removal of Impurities from metal by the chemical method is called leaching.

16. Calcination is the heating of ore below its melting point in the absence of air.

17. Roasting is the heating of ore below its melting point in excess of air.

18. The reduction of the metal oxide with coke or carbon is called smelting.

19. A flux is either an acidic or basic oxide. It combines with the gangue impurities associated with ore to form slag.

20. Reduction of metal oxide by aluminium is called a thermit or thermite reaction.

21. Electrolytic reduction is done in the case of salts of highly reactive metals in a molten state.

22.  Poling means stirring the molten impure metal with green poles of wood.

23. Zone refining and Van Arkel method are used to get completely pure metal.

24. Alloys are the homogeneous mixture of more than one metal or even metals and non-metals.

25. Amalgam is the alloy in which mercury acts as one of the constituents.

26. Purity of gold is expressed in carats. Pure gold is 24 carats. In making jewellery, 22-carat gold is used.

27. Corrosion is the slow eating off the surface of a metal by gases and water vapours present in the air.

28. In the case of iron, corrosion is called rusting. Rust is a brown mass with the chemical formula FeO₃⋅𝓍HO.

29. Corrosion can be prevented in a number of ways such as by applying a coating of paint, oil or grease on the surface of the metal.

30. Electroplating is the most effective method to check corrosion or rusting. The surface of iron is coated with costlier metals like chromium, nickel or zinc.

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