Definition and Functions of Blood With Full Explanation Class 10

Definition and Function of Blood CBSE Class 10 Science we covered this topic with full definition and all points with detailed explanation

Definition and Functions of Blood With Full Explanation Class 10

Definition and Functions of Blood With Full Explanation

Blood: It is a mobile fluid connective tissue of reddish colour that circulates in the human body, supplying nutrients and oxygen to all the living cells and taking away waste products as well as carbon dioxide from them. The blood carrying oxygen attached to the haemoglobin(as oxyhaemoglobin) is called oxygenated blood. The blood carrying carbon dioxide and little oxygen is called deoxygenated blood. An adult human has a total of 5-6 litres of blood. Blood is made up of two components, plasma and blood corpuscles.

Functions of Blood

1. Transport of Nutrients: Sugars, amino acids, minerals and vitamins are picked up by blood from intensive and transported to different parts of the body for storage and assimilation.

2. Transport of Oxygen: It transports oxygen from the respiratory surface to the tissue for utilisation in respiration.

3. Transport of Carbon Dioxide: Carbon dioxide formed during respiration is taken by the blood to the kidneys for separation and elimination.

4. Transport of Waste Products: It carries nitrogenous wastes from various parts of the body to the kidneys for separation and elimination.

5. Transport of Hormones: Endocrine glands pour their hormones into the blood for transport to target tissues.

6. Maintenance of Water Balance: Circulating blood provides water and inorganic salts in the region of deficiency and removes that same in the area of excess.

7. Regulation of Body Temperature: Blood distributes heat to all parts of the body. It also conducts heat to the surface for dissipation.

8. Maintenance of pH: Blood maintains the pH of tissue fluids with the help of various buffers.

9. Body Defence: Blood Contains phagocytic leucocytes and immunocytes for defence against germs.

10. Plugging Areas of Injury: In the region of injury, the blood coagulates and seals the region to prevent loss of body fluids and check the entry of germs.

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