Difference Between Artery and Vein Class 10 Science

In this article, we learn the topic Difference between Artery and Vien of Class 10 Science with detailed definitions and pointwise differences between Artery and Vien.

Difference Between Artery and Vein

Difference Between Artery and Vein

Arteries: They are distributing blood vessels which carry blood. Blood Flows inside the arteries with jerks due to pumping activity of the heart. As the blood is pumped into an artery it expands. With flows of blood from it, the artery contracts partially. Arteries generally carry oxygenated blood.

Veins: They are collection blood vessels which carry blood from various parts of the body towards the hearts. Blood flows smoothly inside veins. Internal valves prevent back flow. Wall is less thickened and less elastic as compared to that of arteries. Lumen is wide.

Difference Between Artery and Vein

Artery Vein
1Direction of Flow: It carries blood from heart to an organ It brings blood from an organ towards the heart
2Speed: Blood flow is rapid in artery Blood flow is slow in vein
3Jerks: Blood flows with jers Blood flow smoothly
4Pressure: Blood flows under pressure There is little pressure
5Internal Valves: They are absent Internal valves are present to prevent back flow
6Wall: It is thick and elastic It is comparatively thinner and little elastic wide
7Lumen: Narrow Wide
8Type of Blood: Artery carries oxygenated blood except pulmonary Vein carries deoxygenated blood except pulmonary veins
9Occurrence: It is deep seated It is superficial
10Collapsibility: Artery is not collapsible Vein is collapsible
11Blood After Death: It does not contain blood after death Vein is full of blood even after death
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